Texas and Federal Pharmacy & Drug Law
14th Edition - Digital Book
For over 20 years, Texas and Federal Pharmacy and Drug Law, has been the comprehensive book that provides the foundation for understanding the laws applicable to pharmacy practice in Texas. Used in the classroom at all Texas colleges of pharmacy, the book provides the most in-depth review of Texas and Federal pharmacy laws.
Now available as a digital book with a 24-month license.
Over 500 edits and updates have been made to the new 14th edition incorporating all the new laws impacting the practice of pharmacy in Texas. This includes all the laws passed by the 88th Texas Legislature in 2023 and all rules adopted by the Texas State Board of Pharmacy through December 2023. In addition, the new edition updates the many changes to federal laws and regulations.
Note: The digital book provides full annotation ability (highlighting, underlining, strikethrough, and notes) on Windows devices and the same annotation ability with the exception of notes on iOS and Android devices. There is currently no annotation ability on MAC OSX devices. We hope to be able to add that funtionality at a later date. Please consider this when determining which device you use to activate your license after purchase. If you need to change devices, we can reset your license by contacting us at info@mpjereviews.com